by Charles Gilbert | Oct 26, 2017 | Health, Occupational Hazards
REMOTE AREA WORK IS LIFE-SAVING… Among the natural resources of Mexico are heavy metals, mined in the mountains of the Sierra Madre. Remote mountain mining towns like the one in this photo, are thousands of feet above sea level and difficult to visit. This mine...
by Charles Gilbert | Jul 14, 2017 | Español
Porque la “Guerra contra la Pobreza” fracasó. Me preguntaron por qué nuestra organización caritativa americana trabaja en México. Mi breve respuesta es que hay más pobreza en México. Eso es cierto, pero incompleto. La situación en los Estados Unidos...
by Charles Gilbert | Jan 23, 2017 | Poverty, Self-Help
Because the “War on Poverty” failed. I was asked why our American charity works in Mexico. My short answer was that there’s more poverty in México. That might be true, but it’s incomplete. The situation in the U.S. is complicated by extensive...